openSAP course for teaching teachers teach Calliope Mini, and my part in that

Over the past months, SAP colleagues, former colleagues, and volunteers joined to create a free online course on openSAP. The course introduces teachers to the Calliope Mini, a microcontroller which is used mainly in Germany for education purposes.

The first two weeks of the course are an introduction into programming and tinkering with the Calliope Mini which require no previous knowledge about the topic of programming, computers or electronics. So these weeks can be consumerd by everybody who wants to learn about the Calliope Mini. Weeks 3 and 4 are more specifically targeted to teachers and teaching.

I wrote the scripts for the introduction to the Calliope Mini and all lessons about the Open Roberta Lab programming environment. It was a fun experience watching the production go from a document with instructions and a few screenshots to the final video and material which will be published. Steps in between included a screen recording with voice over, a transscript of the voice over for the tele prompter, additional presentations and tests for the online course and much more. It was also fun to help when the videos were captured, although I only appear very briefly on screen.

The course starts on October 9, 2018 and runs until April 29, 2019. It is available only in German for now.

Here is the link to register, you will get a reminder when the course starts:

Have fun & share that! I will be in the forum of the course to handle questions.
